Our Mission at Major Fit Apparel is to bring awareness to Mental Health while Promoting Physical Fitness as a Healthy option to Manage, Cope and overcome this illness that effect so many lives.
MAJOR FIT APPAREL (MJRFT) - We are a Fitness brand that promotes Mental and Physical Wellness through our apparel. We create designs that spark conversations about Mental and Physical Health. We strongly believe that physical activities such as weightlifting, running, walking, yoga, hiking and biking helps with managing and coping with mental health issues. We believe getting fit internally through meditation, prayer, faith, self-healing and a healthy diet will have a profound effect on your Mental Mindset, Mental Awareness and overall Mental Health. Incorporating physical activities to develop and strengthen your body will give you a solid foundation. We believe that having a fit HEART, BODY, SOUL, MIND, SPIRIT AND LIFE is the key to unlocking your life's purpose.
Our logo is a (6) pointed STAR that represents your HEART, BODY, SOUL, MIND, SPIRIT and LIFE. When all (6) components are FIT it opens up & clears a path that embodies you to LIVE LIFE MAJOR.
(MAJOR) - Live life to its absolute potential, live everyday like it is your last, give 110% in everything that you do, set G.O.A.L.S. , take risks, make NO ASScuses, and Xecute with every fiber of your being.
(FIT) - There are (6) components of a person that needs to be fit. Their HEART, BODY, SOUL, MIND, SPIRIT, and their LIFE. Once these (6) components are FIT you will be able to break through WALLS, BARRIERS, LIMITATIONS, FEARS, FAILURES, DOUBTS, and FRUSTRATIONS that comes with an unhealthy perspective on life.